The Chinese in Early 20th Century Toronto: 636 Yonge Street
According to the city of Toronto directories, 636 Yonge Street, was non-existent in 1880 and in 1900. However, in the 1920 City Directories, the address appeared, as did the name of tenant. Based on the city directories, at this address a Chinese Laundry business was being operated by Sam Wo, the tenant of the address at the time. More information on this address was not found on the City Assessment Rolls of 1920, but it was found for 10 years later (1930). In 1930, this address was still being operated as a Chinese laundry by Sam Wo, who at the time, was 52 years of age. The owner of the address at the time was ‘Mcwhimmery William’. On the assessment rolls it showed that Sam Wo’s religion was identified as ‘Chin’.
There were no specific old pictures found of this address, however, the uploaded pictures here just show how yonge st looked like in 1912 and in 1934. These pictures were taken online from ‘Toronto’s amazing intersection at Yonge and Front Streets’:
There were no specific old pictures found of this address, however, the uploaded pictures here just show how yonge st looked like in 1912 and in 1934. These pictures were taken online from ‘Toronto’s amazing intersection at Yonge and Front Streets’: